Day 217: Monday 26/11/2012
The Infection Control Department of the hospital have informed us today that Sergio has been cleared of “caution protection”. This is wonderful news as it means that Sergio and Tadhg can use the activity and playrooms in the hospital for the first time. The setup of the playroom is very impressive with plenty of toys to play with and needless to say the boys didn’t want to leave the room. Sergio had an esophagram done today but we won’t know the full results until tomorrow as due to busy schedules, the surgical team were unavailable to give their feedback on reading...
Read MoreDay 215: Saturday 24/11/2012
Sergio slept 12 hours straight last night. All the walking around and playing on the mat really wears him out in a good way. He got some vaccinations this morning in his thighs and was none too pleased when the syringe went in. Tadhg came to visit in the afternoon and Sergio was delighted to see him waltzing in the door. It was lovely to see Tadhg going straight over to his brother and planting him a gentle kiss on his lips. This ritual was repeated several times much to everyone’s amusement. Sergio durmio 12 horas seguidas la pasada noche. Todo el ajetreo de paseos y jugar sobre la...
Read MoreDay 214: Friday 23/11/2012
After an early start to the day, Sergio was all too eager to get up out of bed and have some fun time. His face lit up immediately when he got into his buggy and so off we went on our early morning walk. He is not a big fan of the elevators as he always pulls a worried look whenever the doors shut close. Ann Stack came to visit in the afternoon and Sergio loved her company as she held him and gave him plenty of cuddles. He was completely bunched by 7pm as he couldn’t stay awake any longer. Después comenzar el dia temprano, Sergio estaba demasiado ansioso por levantarse de la cama y...
Read MoreDay 213: Thursday 22/11/2012
Happy thanksgiving day. Sergio had to go back on IV fluids overnight as his J feeding tube somehow got clogged up by his medication. They used several different ways to try and free the blockage but to no avail. They even used the old-school trick of putting ginger-ale into the line. Thankfully he still had his PIC line working with good access so he was able to receive his medication through these ports. This morning he was brought down to the radiology floor where they replaced the old G-J feeding set with a new fancy looking Mic-key G-J button. In the afternoon both boys were brought for...
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