Day 97: Saturday 28/07/2012

Posted by on Jul 29, 2012 in News | 1 comment

With each passing day Sergio is regaining his strength and cheerful character. He has been in tremendous form playing and laughing all the time. A lot of the staff have commented on how strong Sergio has been to come through so many operations and still be able to smile afterwards. His belly is thankfully no longer bloated looking. He is still on a considerable amount of heavy medication and has starting to be weaned slowly off them one by one. With EA babies this weaning process can take months to complete.

Cada día que pasa Sergio está recuperando su fuerza y su carácter alegre. Ha estado en muy buena forma  jugando y riendo todo el tiempo. Una gran cantidad del personal que trabaja en el hospital han hecho comentarios sobre lo fuerte que Sergio ha sido despues de tantas operaciones y aún así ser capaz de sonreír después. Su barriga gracias a Dios ya no parece  hinchada. Sergio todavía está con bastante medicacion muy fuerte pero han comenzado a  reducir la cantidad uno a uno. Con los bebés de EA este proceso de reducir medicacion puede tardar meses en completarse.

One Comment

  1. Hello..I have just heard you mentioned on the Joe Duffy show and I hope that all is ok with you and little Sergio . I work as a night nurse in Dublin and I work as a professional Nanny with little children and when you are back and ever need some time or some help please dont hesitate to contact me at my email I would be more than willing to come and give you some help.
    All the best Anne Atkinson