Day 60: Thursday 21/06/2012

Posted by on Jun 22, 2012 in News | 2 comments

Sergio was much more alert today and is in good shape ahead of tomorrow’s planned oesophagogastroduodenoscopy. He was rewarded for his good progress with some cuddle time from his daddy in a high chair. It was the first time in well over a month that he was allowed out of his bed for cuddles. It was a precious bonding moment. His leg fracture appears to be healing well as it’s no longer causing him much pain when touched or moved slightly.

Sergio estaba mucho más alerta hoy y está en buena forma. Fue recompensado por su buen progreso con abrazos y mimos de su padre. Era la primera vez en más de un mes que se le permitió salir de su cama para mimarle. Fue un momento de unión precioso. Su fracción en la pierna parece estar sanando bien, ya que ya no le causa mucho dolor cuando se le toca o se le mueve un poco.



  1. He really looks great! We are all with you.

  2. What a wonderful moment for dad and son! Sending positive energy for tomorrow’s oesophagogastroduodenoscopy. I love all the updates, keep them coming!!