After an early bath and dressing change of peg site, Sergio was all set for going for a spin in his go-kart. The sun outside was in full glory so we took full advantage and headed out to the garden and playground. Initially Sergio wasn’t too impressed with the sunlight shining upon his face, however he was quickly laughing afterwards as we adventured further around the wonderful garden. Today the plan is for Sergio to go a full 20 hours without the ventilator and also to wean his methadone medication. Thankfully Sergio is responding so well to his trach collar and didn’t require any suctioning at all during the day which is brilliant news altogether.
Después de bañarle temprano y cambiarle los vendajes, Sergio estaba listo para ir a dar una vuelta en su carrito. El sol salio así que aprovechamos y nos dirigimos hacia el jardín. Inicialmente Sergio no estaba muy impresionado con la luz del sol que brillaba en su rostro, sin embargo, rápidamente después Sergio reia mientras se aventuraba por el maravilloso jardín. Hoy el plan es que Sergio este un total de 20 horas sin el ventilador y respirando por si mismo, también disminuir su medicación con metadona. Afortunadamente Sergio está respondiendo muy bien a su collar de traqueotomía y respira por si solo, hoy no se requirio ninguna aspiración en absoluto, lo cual es una noticia genial en conjunto.
Great news altogether that Sergio is progressing so well. How wonderful is it that he can enjoy fresh air in the fall and have sunshine too. He is a ray of sunshine. Well done Donal and many thanks for keeping us up to date on this the 200th day, wow! Love, peace and joy in abundance to you, Sergio, Tadhg and Rosa.