Day 161: Monday 1/10/2012

Posted by on Oct 2, 2012 in News | 1 comment

The chest X-ray from Saturday showed a lot of fluid had built up in his left lung. Sergio’s lab reports came back yesterday and it more or less ruled out the possibility that he had pneumonia. The theory now is had he must have aspirated on Saturday and this is what is showing up in the X-ray. Unfortunately he had to be put back on a pressure support ventilator as he was struggling with his breathing. His trachea cuff as been inflated one again to prevent future episodes of aspiration. As of this evening we are starting to see some slight improvements with Sergio’s condition but it’s slow progress. We therefore think that he is over the worst of it now. He needs to rest now in order to recovery his lost strength and hopefully in a couple of days he will be back on track and feeling much better.

Los rayos X mostraron desde el sábado una gran cantidad de líquido que se había acumulado en el pulmón izquierdo. Los informes del laboratorio regresaron ayer y cabia la posibilidad de que hubiera cogido neumonía. Ahora la teoría es diferente, ya que debido a unos incidentes Sergio aspiro secreciones y mucha salivacion el sábado y esto es lo que realmente está apareciendo en la radiografía. Por desgracia, tuvo que ser puesto de nuevo a un ventilador ya que le costaba respirar. Su tráquea se ha inflado una vez más para evitar futuros episodios de aspiración.  Desde la tarde estamos empezando a ver alguna leve mejoria pero el progreso es lento. Pensamos que lo peor ya ha pasado. Sergio tiene que descansar para recuperarse de la fuerza perdida y esperamos que en un par de días este de nuevo sintiendose mucho mejor y como estaba antes.

One Comment

  1. We are praying for your family! May God strengthen you each day and uphold you in His hands. Grateful to have met you all at the Yawkey and trusting the Lord to fill you with hope as only He can!