Day 81: Thursday 12/07/2012

Posted by on Jul 13, 2012 in News | Comments Off on Day 81: Thursday 12/07/2012

Sergio went down to theatre this morning for an EGD (endoscopy). Afterwards the surgeon said that they had difficulty keeping his oxygen saturations levels up during the operation and hence couldn’t spend as much time with their scope as they had hoped for. Its either his tracheomalacia or an infection that is causing this breathing problem. However on the positive side, they commented that his esophagus was looking good with no apparent leaks visible and that they would proceed in the future with a larger dilation balloon to help strengthen its structure.

Sergio has continued to be extremely brave and has showed exceptional strength throughout so many operations and procedures.

Sergio bajó a la sala de operaciones esta mañana para una EGD scan (endoscopia). Después, el cirujano dijo que tuvo dificultades para mantener sus niveles de saturación de oxígeno durante la operación y por lo tanto no pudo estar mas tiempo con la camara de lo que hubieran querido. Asi que bien es la traqueomalacia o una infección la que le está causando este problema respiratorio. Sin embargo por el lado positivo, nos dijeron que el esófago se ve bien y no hay pérdidas o roturas visibles aparentes y que iban a proceder en el futuro con un balón de dilatación más grande para ayudar a fortalecer su estructura.

Sergio ha seguido siendo muy valiente y ha demostrado una resistencia excepcional a lo largo de tantas operaciones y procedimientos.

