Day 65: Tuesday 26/06/2012

Posted by on Jun 26, 2012 in News | Comments Off on Day 65: Tuesday 26/06/2012

The dreaded withdrawal symptoms really kicked in last night and all throughout today. Sergio is finding it difficult to sleep for any period of time and is waking up gapping and vomiting all the time. It’s very difficult to see him going through this rough patch of withdrawal pain. It was decided that since Sergio is having another fairly big operation this Thursday, it would make sense to stop immediately the weaning off process for now and increase his levels of methadone once again. This has unfortunately left him in a very drugged up state even when his eyes are open. At this moment in time Sergio is experiencing a rough time off all the heavy drugs.

Los síntomas de abstinencia de la morfina han hecho huella durante la noche pasada y actualmente. Sergio tiene dificultades para dormir, se despierta y vomita todo el tiempo. Es muy difícil verlo pasar por este momento tan difícil de dolor. Asi que se decidió que como Sergio va a tener otra operacion manana bastante grande tendria sentido detener el proceso de abstinencia por el momento y le aumentar los niveles de metadona una vez mas. Esto desafortunadamente le ha dejado en un estado muy drogado, incluso cuando sus ojos estaban abiertos. En este momento Sergio está viviendo un momento difícil debido a todas las drogas duras.
