Day 6: Saturday 28/04/2012

Posted by on Apr 29, 2012 in News | Comments Off on Day 6: Saturday 28/04/2012

Day 6: Saturday 28/04/2012

Today Sergio was able to fully recharge his batteries as no tests were carried out today. His relatives from Co Clare came over to visit in the morning and Sergio was in good form all day long. The hospital here are organising a play volunteer to come and spend some time with Sergio on a regular basis before his operation next Wednesday. I’m glad to report that he is settled in nicely into a new routine here in PICU and is starting to recognise the nurses on duty with plenty of broad smiles for them.

Hoy, Sergio recargo completamente sus baterías, ya que no tenia ningun test que realizar hoy. Sus parientes de Co Clare vinieron a visitarlo por la mañana y Sergio se encontro en buena forma durante todo el día. El hospital está organizando un voluntarios para venir, pasar un rato y jugar con Sergio  antes de su operación el próximo miércoles. Me alegra anunciar que Sergio ahora se esta empezando a acostumbrar al nuevo ambiente y la nueva rutina en la UCI y está empezando a conocer a las enfermeras, empezando a sonreirlas y a estar todo el dia contento como hacia en su antiguo hospital.