Day 192: Thursday 1/11/2012

Posted by on Nov 2, 2012 in News | Comments Off on Day 192: Thursday 1/11/2012

Sergio has come on leaps and bounds over the last few weeks. He is tolerating his trachea collar very well and with each passing day, he is doing extended sprints on it. It appears that he is able to mobilize his secretions on his own which means that he is able to swallow. The daily dilations and x-rays at his bedside are still ongoing and have become more stabilized. He really loves his new high chair as he finds it easier to sit up and play with his toys that are laid out on the tray in front of him. It’s truly amazing to see Sergio sitting in this chair like a big boy and smiling at everyone who stops by his door. There is a team meeting later today to discuss the next steps for Sergio.

Sergio ha avanzado a pasos agigantados en las últimas semanas. Él está tolerando el cuello de la tráquea muy bien y cada día que pasa, está haciendo grandes progresos. Parece que es capaz de mover su saliva por su cuenta lo que significa que es capaz de tragar. Las dilataciones diarias y rayos X en su cama aún están en curso y se han vuelto más estables. A Sergio le encanta sentarse en su silla nueva y le resulta más fácil sentarse y jugar con sus juguetes que están  en la bandeja delante de él. Es realmente increíble ver a Sergio sentado en esta silla como un niño grande y sonriendo a todo el que pasa por su puerta. Hoy hay una reunión del equipo para discutir los próximos pasos en Sergio.
