Day 131: Friday 31/08/2012

Posted by on Sep 1, 2012 in News | Comments Off on Day 131: Friday 31/08/2012

Sergio has a small leak around his trach tubing and so as a result he is able to make noises through his vocal chords for the first time ever. He definitely loves the sound of his new voice and didn’t go to sleep at all during the day as he was too busy purring to himself and making some really beautiful noises. It was like he wanted to show off his new trick to everybody. The ORL team came by to check to see if this new leak was safe. After their scope down his airway, they said that they were happy to leave trachea leak there. Dr Jennings was also pleased with how the procedure went and commented on how big and strong Sergio looks now. It has transformed Sergio’s mood completely and has given him a welcomed boost with his ongoing development.

Sergio tiene una pequeña fuga en el área de la traqueotomía y como resultado es capaz de hacer ruidos a través de sus cuerdas vocales, por primera vez en su vida. Definitivamente le encanta el sonido de su nueva voz  y no se durmio nada en absoluto durante el día, ya que estaba demasiado ocupado ronroneando a sí mismo y haciendo unos ruidos hermosos que por supuesto él estaba feliz de mostrar a todo el mundo. El equipo Respiratorio vino a comprobar y ver si la fuga estaba a salvo y después de mirarle la vía aérea dijeron que estaban contentos de dejar la fuga donde estaba. Dr. Jennings se mostró satisfecho de como fue  la evolución del procedimiento y comentó lo grande y fuerte que Sergio parece. El estado de animo de Sergio se ha transformado por completo y se le ve que ha evolucionado en su desarrollo a pasos agigantados.