Day 121: Tuesday 21/08/2012

Posted by on Aug 23, 2012 in News | Comments Off on Day 121: Tuesday 21/08/2012

There were concerns overnight about Sergio’s saturation levels. His nurse noticed that the ventilator wasn’t providing Sergio with the right airflow and that something was up with his trachea. A Doctor from the Otorhinolaryngology department was called to investigate and he quickly discovered that Sergio’s trachea was backwalling thus causing the respiratory problems. It appears that Sergio has outgrown his current trachea that he has inserted and so a new customized trachea would have to be ordered. However Sergio gave us smiles all day.

Se temía durante la noche de los niveles de saturación de Sergio. Su enfermera notó que el ventilador no estaba dando a Sergio con el flujo de aire correcto y de que algo estaba pasando con su tráquea. Un médico del departamento de Otorrinolaringología fue llamado a investigar y descubrió rápidamente que la tráquea de Sergio estaba causando los problemas respiratorios. Parece que Sergio ha crecido y necesta una traquea nueva que sera puesta el jueves. A pesar de todo Sergio parecia muy contento.