
Posted by on Jun 3, 2013 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on 03/June/2013

First of all I would like to apologize, as we don’t write in Help Sergio since March. We have been quite busy and day by other we couldn’t find the moment to write.

First to say is that Sergio was with the rotavirus in the hospital and he got another virus while he was there, he was in the hospital that time for one month. Then he came home and after a few weeks he had to return to the hospital because he got the same virus. This time he was in the hospital for less than 2 weeks.

Throughout all these weeks Sergio has been well without any complications, one time he was admitted in the hospital to put a new gastrostomy mickey button because was removed accidentally.

Another occasion he returned to the hospital to close the stoma he had in the neck due to the tracheotomy was done at 2 months old, as you know Sergio was with the ventilator bringing oxygen to him from 2 months until he was almost two years, and finally in January of this year was completely remove. The stoma was still open for the winter virus (just in case we needed it). Sergio did very well and thanks God he never lacks of oxygen since then.

Now Sergio is at home and he is eating small amounts of food slowly.

He has started to move from one side to another side of the room, he doesn’t stand or walk yet, but he is moving while he is sitting on the floor and he is going every week to physical therapy to start to walk.

Sergio has improved a lot but there are still many things to do.

Basically Sergio is feeding by a GJ tube, which is placed, in his intestine, the problem we have now is basically that his stomach can’t be full of food as the Nissen fundoplication surgery is pending and he has a serious reflux and a lot of food in the stomach make him to vomit.

Sergio also needs a lot of medication throughout the day; sometimes he is using a gravity bag when he sleeps so the stomach doesn’t get full. The wonderful news is that he is interested in food and he likes so many things, he can get angry when we do not give him food at the table, but the amount of food to be given to Sergio is small at the moment.

Our goal is that we can removed to Sergio the feeding tube one day , for that he needs to start eating his calories daily, but it may not happen without the operation is pending and he need it.

We didn’t mentioned that Sergio needs esophageal dilation every 5 weeks, and hopefully with the time he will not need it, fingers crossed for this to happen, is one of the most complicated problems we have at the moment, the last dilation was on Tuesday and this time the esophagus was not structure as the last time but still, hopefully from now on Sergio and his dilatations improves.

We are excited to have him at home, is a very happy child and he can now play with his twin brother Tadgh. Thank you all for your prays and your still support thinking in Sergio. Continue to pray as still needed. (Sergio’s mam)


Antes que nada nos gustaria disculparme por no haber escrito en Help Sergio antes. Han pasado muchas cosas y hemos estado bastante ocupados y asi ha pasado el tiempo sin poder escribir.

En primer lugar decir que Sergio se puso bien del virus del rotavirus aunque estuvo 1 mes en el hospital. Luego vino a casa y al cabo de unas semanas tuvo que volver al hospital por causa del mismo virus. Esta vez estubo menos tiempo.

A lo largo de todas estas semanas Sergio ha estado bien sin complicaciones de ningun tipo, hubo una vez que ingreso en el hospital para ponerle una nueva gastrotomia pues la que tenia se habia quitado tirando de ella sin querer.

En otra ocasion volvio al hospital para poder cerrarle el estoma que tenia del cuello debido a la traqueotomia que se le hizo cuando tenia 2 meses de edad, como sabeis el oxigeno le llevo desde los 2 meses hasta que tuvo casi dos anos y por fin en Enero de este ano se le quito por completo aunque le dejaron el estoma abierto por si lo volviamos a necesitar durante los meses de virus en invierno. Sergio lo hizo muy bien en este aspecto y nunca gracias a Dios ha estado falta de oxigeno desde entonces.

Ahora le tenemos en casa y va iniciandose a los alimentos poco a poco, ha empezado a moverse de un lado a otro sentado y va a rehabilitacion para poder empezar a andar.

Sergio ha superado y mejorado mucho pero todavia quedan muchas cosas por hacer.

Basicamente Sergio se alimenta por la gastro que va directa al intestino pues el problema basicamente que tenemos ahora es que no se le puede cargar el estomago de alimento pues esta pendiente la operacion de fundoplicatura de Nissen (se hizo antes sin exito) donde el reflujo seria menos y los alimentos pudieran estar en el estomago sin tanto vomito, tambien necesita mucha medicacion a lo largo del dia y hacer curas alrededor de la gastro, a veces utiliza una bolsa de gravedad cuando duerme para que no se le llene tanto el estomago. Un aspecto bueno es que el tiene interes por la comida y le gustan muchas cosas y se enfada cuando no se lo damos, pero tiene que ser poquito por el momento.

Nuestro objetivo es que Sergio deje de utilizar la gastro un dia y para ello tiene que empezar a comer sus calorias diarias, pero ello puede que no pase sin la operacion que le falta.

Hay un aspecto fundamental que no hemos comentado y es que Sergio necesita dilataciones del esofago cada 5 semanas, y esperemos que con el paso del tiempo no las necesite, es uno de los problemas mas complicados que tenemos por el momento, la ultima dilatacion fue el pasado martes y esta vez no estaba tan cerrado como las pasadas veces, esperemos que desde ahora Sergio necesite menos dilataciones cada vez. Estamos muy contentos de tenerle en casa, es un nino muy feliz y ahora puede jugar con su hermano gemelo Tadgh. Gracias a todos por vuestra espera y  por no haberos olvidado de Sergio. Seguir rezando pues todavia lo necesita. (Mama de Sergio)


