Day 59: Wednesday 20/06/2012

Posted by on Jun 20, 2012 in News | Comments Off on Day 59: Wednesday 20/06/2012

The EA team have scheduled another oesphagram for this coming Friday. During this procedure they will be able to check if Sergio’s leak has healed up by itself. Sergio has had another good day overall today. The main news to report from today is that his eyes are beginning to track once again, so obviously this has helped put him in good spirits when awake.

El equipo de EA ha programado otro esofasograma para el próximo viernes. Durante este procedimiento se podrá comprobar si la fuga de Sergio se ha curado por sí misma. Hoy Sergio ha tenido otro buen día en general. La noticia principal de  hoy es que los ojos están empezando a seguir una vez más, por lo que, obviamente, esto ha ayudado a ponerlo de buen humor cuando está despierto.
