Day 125: Saturday 25/08/2012
We got the results and feedback from yesterday’s procedures. A section of Sergio’s esophagus had narrowed right down to 4mm and needed sterols injected into the wall of the esophagus to encourage growth. A dilation was then carried out at this section which helped widen the esophageal stricture. The real disappointing news is that the surgical team are now starting to question the effectiveness of his recent nissen fundoplication operation and have hinted already that it may need to be redone. This is what has been causing Sergio to frequently reflux and vomit his feeds. Tenemos...
Read MoreDay 124: Friday 24/08/2012
Sergio had a good rest last night. He is definitely sleepier today and appears to have to work harder when breathing. He is going down to the operating room for three short procedures at noon time. The Doctor will examine down his esophagus with a scope camera and hopefully follow through with a dilation balloon which will help widen the walls of his esophagus. They will also be able to check out his nissen-fundo which is the site where he had his last major operation. Sergio’s condition has been on the topsy turvy side for the past few days and nobody is too sure what is exactly...
Read MoreDay 121: Tuesday 21/08/2012
There were concerns overnight about Sergio’s saturation levels. His nurse noticed that the ventilator wasn’t providing Sergio with the right airflow and that something was up with his trachea. A Doctor from the Otorhinolaryngology department was called to investigate and he quickly discovered that Sergio’s trachea was backwalling thus causing the respiratory problems. It appears that Sergio has outgrown his current trachea that he has inserted and so a new customized trachea would have to be ordered. However Sergio gave us smiles all day. Se temÃa durante la noche de los...
Read MoreDay 118: Saturday 18/08/2012
Unfortunately Sergio has been refluxing quite a bit over the last few days. Yesterday they did a G tube study and it clearly showed that some of the content of his stomach was refluxing up his esophagus. This is not good news. The Doctors stopped his peg feeds afterwards and Dr Jennings and Dr Foker will examine the results and hopefully formulate a plan to stop the reflux. The strange thing is that Sergio is looking great for most of the time and is becoming more active with each passing day. It’s only when he has the reflux that he begins to gag a little bit and throws up a small...
Read MoreDay 115: Wednesday 15/08/2012
Sergio had some reflux this morning. It didn’t seem to bother him for too long though. The nurses said that they would monitor it over the next few days. A consultant from the ENT team came to the room to discuss in detail the future possibility of getting Sergio permanently off his ventilator thus removing his tracheostomy. It was a very informative meeting as all of the pros and cons were highlighted. In the evening time Sergio’s uncle, Liam and his girlfriend Niamh came over from Dublin to visit. They couldn’t believe how much Sergio had grown and how long his hair was...
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