Day 9: Tuesday 1/05/2012

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Day 9: Tuesday 1/05/2012

The day quite literally started off on a bright note with the music therapist introducing herself and her instruments to Sergio. He was intrigued with the beautiful songs and quickly got stuck into playing along with his tambourine. We then got word from Dr. Jennings’s team that Sergio’s operation has once again been pushed back by another day to Thursday. This was due to logistical problems with theatre time. Obviously we were a little bit disappointed on receiving the news but happy at the same time, knowing that now we had more time to be with Sergio before he goes into that long coma.

The neurology team came to assess Sergio in the afternoon. They requested that Sergio goes for an MRI scan later tonight and so a free slot was then allocated to him at 9:30pm. He was fairly shattered after playing games all day long and needless to say, he wasn’t too impressed when the team arrived to start moving him to the MRI room.

El día comenzó con una nota brillante, con la terapeuta de musica que vino a visitar y a presentarse a Sergio con sus instrumentos. Realmente le gustaron las canciones y rápidamente Sergio empezo a tocar su pandereta.

Dr. Jennings nos dijo que la intervención de Sergio una vez más iba a ser pospuesta un día más, osea para el jueves. Se debe a problemas de horas con la sala de operaciones.
Nos decepciono un poco el recibir la noticia, pero estabamos felices al mismo tiempo, porque sabiamos que tendriamos más tiempo para estar con Sergio antes de que este en ese coma tan largo. 

El equipo de neurología  vino para evaluar a Sergio por tarde. Se le asigno una resonancia magnética a las 9:30 pm. Estaba bastante cansado  después de jugar durante todo el día pero no estaba muy impresionado cuando el equipo medico llegó para trasladarle a la sala de resonancia magnetica.