Day 167: Sunday 7/10/2012

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in News | Comments Off on Day 167: Sunday 7/10/2012

We are a little bit more concerned for our Sergio today as he has been very irritated throughout the day. They increased his pressure support on his ventilator this morning but even with this new setting, he seems to be working too hard with his breathing. He had copious amounts of secretions which didn’t help the situation. By the afternoon, it became noticeable that Sergio had also developed a wheezy cough which is upsetting him greatly. All of this has left him feeling exhausted and even though he is trying to fall off asleep, his cough wakes him right back up. A decision was made in the evening time to change over the ventilator and also to give him some morphine sedation to help him settle down.

Estamos un poco más preocupados por Sergio hoy pues ha estado enfermo durante todo el día. Aumentaron la presión del ventilador esta mañana, pero incluso con esto, parece que Sergio esta trabajando demasiado duro con su respiración. Tenía abundante cantidad de fluido que no ayuda a la situación. Por la tarde, se hizo evidente que Sergio había desarrollado una tos continua que le molestaba mucho pues eso le llevaba a que los niveles de oxigeno fueran bastante bajos. Todo esto lo ha dejado durante todo el dia agotado y aunque trata de dormir, su tos lo despierta y empieza siempre acto seguido a ponerse peor en todos los sentidos. Debido a esto se tomó la decisión por la tarde de cambiar el ventilador y de sedarle con un poco de morfina que le ayudaria a calmarle.