Day 114: Tuesday 14/08/2012

Posted by on Aug 15, 2012 in News | 2 comments

It’s been four days since Sergio’s last operation so he is still feeling the pain from it. During the night Sergio had to be given an extra amount of morphine to counteract his chest pain and required more frequent suctioning. His condition improved during the morning time and his chest drain tube was removed later on in the afternoon. That meant we could lift Sergio out of his bed and give him some valued cuddle time.

Ya han pasado cuatro días desde la última operación de Sergio por lo que sigue sintiendo algo de dolor.. Durante la noche, a Sergio le tuvieron que dar una cantidad extra de morfina para contrarrestar su dolor en el pecho y tuvo bastantes aspiraciones. Su condición mejoró por la mañana y su tubo de drenaje torácico fue retirado más tarde por la tarde. Eso significaba que ya le podiamos cojer de la cama y darle unos achuchones.


  1. Hi, there Donal and Rosa!
    We want to let you know we are keeping you all in prayer here in Ohio!
    It seems as if it was just yesterday that we were there in Boston and yet it seems as if it was long ago!
    We feel blessed to have met you and will continue on in prayer for a full and wonderful repair!
    Blessings, Marae

    • Thanks Marae, we miss you so much here. Hope everyone is ok with you all.