Day 110: Friday 10/08/2012

Posted by on Aug 11, 2012 in News | 1 comment

The alarms in Sergio’s room were ringing a lot during the night as Sergio was having difficulty keeping his oxygen levels up. He certainly wasn’t feeling great as his constantly high heart rate made him look exhausted. The Doctors called for a chest x-ray to be carried out at 5am to check for any change in the condition of his lungs. This was all a bit worrying as Sergio was scheduled to go for a series of operations later on in the morning. It was then explained to us very clearly the benefits of proceeding ahead with the planned operations. Dr Jennings, along with members of his surgical team came to bring Sergio downstairs to the theatre floor at 7:30am.

After waiting 10 hours we were very relieved when Dr Jennings rang to say that he was very pleased with how the operations went today and that Sergio was doing well.

Las alarmas en la habitación de Sergio sonaron mucho durante la noche pues Sergio estaba teniendo dificultades para mantener sus niveles de oxígeno hacia arriba. Desde luego, no se sentía bien, pues  su ritmo cardíaco era elevado y constante y tenian aspecto de agotado. Los médicos pidieron una radiografía de tórax que se llevaria a cabo a las 5 am para verificar si habia algún cambio en el estado de sus pulmones. Todo esto fue un poco preocupante, ya que Sergio tenia una serie de operaciones por la mañana. Nos explicaron los beneficios de continuar adelante con las operaciones previstas. Dr. Jennings, junto con miembros de su equipo quirúrgico vinieron a por Sergio para llevarle a quirofano a las 7:30 am.

Despues de esperar 10 horas estuvimos muy felices de escuchar a Dr. Jennings, que llamó para decir que estaba muy contento con los resultados de las operaciones de hoy y que Sergio lo estaba haciendo bien.

One Comment

  1. We are all praying hard for Sergio, he is a great little boy. St. Anthony and his guardian angel are looking after him. I am praying for you his Mammy and Daddy too to help you through these tough times. I am sure the whole of the country is too. Kind regards and everything will be alright for your beautiful boy.